1 Corinthians: That There Be No Divisions Among You (XI)

1 Corinthians: That There Be No Divisions Among You (XI)

Unity And Complicated Marital Issues (7:10-24)

Neal Pollard

With so much moral confusion and corruption among the Corinthians,  Paul had his hands full in addressing the various complications that arose in this congregation. Having already dealt with incest, homosexuality, fornication, and even spouses depriving one another, he moves on to another complicated matter. What do you do when your non-Christian spouse wants to abandon the marriage? What are your rights and restrictions? 

Unfortunately, some have interpreted 1 Corinthians 7 as a passage giving one an additional “exception” to the Lord’s rule in Matthew 19:9 (this belief is often called “The Pauline Privilege”). Is Paul adding to the Lord’s teaching on marriage, divorce, and remarriage? If one’s spouse “deserts” them, is he or she free to remarry?

First, notice that Paul begins by reviewing just what the Lord said during His ministry (10-11). He signifies this by saying, “But to the married I give instructions, not I but the Lord….” (10). In other words, Paul reviews what the Lord taught as recorded by Matthew (19:1-12). It is a summary of that passage. Keep in mind that anything Paul subsequently says cannot contradict what the Lord taught in His ministry on the subject. Everything Paul says here must be understood in the light of how he begins–“stay married, but if you divorce, remain unmarried or be reconciled to the husband you divorced.”

Second, notice that Paul is dealing with something the Lord did not address in His earthly ministry. That’s what Paul means when he says, “But to the rest I say, not the Lord…” (12).  Paul addresses an apparent concern for Christians in a pagan society like Corinth (our nation would be a lot more like Corinth than Jerusalem!). Paul delves into what a Christian ought to do who is married to an unbeliever. He begins with the scenario that the unbeliever is okay with staying married to the Christian. In that case, there is nothing to do. Do not leave them if they want to remain married (13-14). 

Then, he discusses a scenario where the unbeliever is not okay with staying married to the Christian. A spouse would then be in a quandary, deciding whether or not to stay with Christ or choose the unbelieving mate (15). Paul is saying, your duty to your husband does not outweigh your duty to Christ. If they force you into that choice, choose Christ. Some try to make the word “bondage” in this verse refer to the marriage bond, believing Paul to say you are free to remarry. Paul is using that word throughout this paragraph to speak of being enslaved, not to speak of being married (“bondage” is found in eight New Testament verses; the other seven–Acts 7:6, Rom. 6:18,22, 1 Cor. 9:19, Gal. 4:3, Ti. 2:3, and 2 Pet. 2:19–all mean “to make someone a slave”; that’s what Paul is saying here. Paul uses the word for “marry” several times in this chapter, a different word with a different meaning altogether). 

Third, understand the rest of this paragraph in light of what Paul has already said. He is not allowing people to do something which, as he has already pointed out, the Lord explicitly forbad. His words in 1 Corinthian 7:15-24 do not give a person an additional reason to divorce and remarry. Paul is illustrating with the circumcision analogy what he has just taught in verses 13-14. 

There is nothing in this context or any other passage that teaches that non-Christians who obey the gospel and are in an unscriptural marriage can remain in that condition. He is simply using multiple means to make a singular point: “Do not become enslaved to man’s will because you belong to Christ.” Do not choose your spouse over Christ. If they threaten to leave you if you don’t leave Christ, you must stay faithful to Christ. 

Sin brings complications. No relationship must be honored or prioritized over Christ. When a Christian is married to a non-Christian, he or she is to do everything possible to win the non-Christian spouse (cf. 1 Pet. 3:1ff). As Paul says, ” For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?” (16). That’s the ideal. But in less than ideal situations, always choose Christ! 

An Excellent Wife

An Excellent Wife

Neal Pollard

The book of Proverbs ends, in chapter 31, with an investigation. The writer, whether Lemuel is making observations or passing along his mother’s sage guidance, leads the search. He writes how rare and valuable an excellent wife is (10). It is a literary masterpiece, an acrostic poem (each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet) and a chiasm (“a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or modified form,” Apple Dictionary, 2.3.0). You would diagram the outline of the chiasm like this: A B C B A. The chiasm was a literary way to show the heart or focus of a specific section of Scripture. It would be readily identified by a Jewish reader, but it enriches our study when we understand that it’s intentionally there. The heart of this poem is verse 23: “Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.” The net effect of the kind of wife described here is that it blesses her spouse’s life. That should be the goal of every married person, to raise others’ view of him or her through the righteous conduct of our life. What is the character of the wife described here?

  • She is prized and praiseworthy (10, 30-31).
  • Her husband and home are profited by and praise her (11-12, 28-29).
  • She is a hard worker (13-19, 27). 
  • She is generous with her material things and her wisdom (20, 26).
  • She is not ruled by worries and fears (21,25).
  • She dresses her children and house well and she dresses her character well (21-22, 24-25).

Some have used this poem to try and hold up a “Renaissance Woman,” an ideal so unrealistic that no woman could ever live up to her standard. These have had too narrow a view of the author’s purpose. He is trying to demonstrate the kind of approach that a wife, in this context, should take to her role and responsibility. She is careful about how she approaches the various duties of the home, which she rules and oversees. She adopts a wise, God-approved character. This leads her to bless all who are in various relationships with her. Husbands do well to approach their duties, character-development, and relationships in the same way. Society will be benefited from its members taking who they are and what they do more seriously. So will the church and the home. 

What a blessing to be married to an excellent wife! There is no substitute for this. How it makes the inevitable burdens of life easier to carry. Let us all strive to be excellent in the role(s) God has given to us! 



Jacob Gets A Taste Of His Own Medicine (29:1-35)

Neal Pollard

Rebekah urged her son to flee to Haran (27:43), and he arrived in “the land of the sons of the east” (1). Jacob is looking for his mom’s brother, Laban, and he encounters his shepherds tending his thirsty flocks (2-8). Laban’s daughter Rachel, a shepherdess herself, is also with them (9). Jacob assists them by rolling the stone from the well (10). He introduces himself to Rachel, kissing her and telling her their connection as cousins (11-12). Rachel runs back and informs Laban of Jacob’s arrival, news which his uncle welcomes (13-14). Laban extends hospitality to Jacob for the next month while Jacob presumably already begins to work for Laban (14-15). 

We have already received glimpses of character traits in Laban that are on fully display in Genesis 29. As mentioned previously, Laban was not a stranger to materialism (24:29-31,53).  He is always presented by implication as a man striving to get the upper hand or advantage. He is wily enough to win out over a conniving character (Jacob), but he would meet his match with God at a later point (ch. 30). 

When Jacob saw Rachel, he was very attracted to her. We do not know how impressed he was with her personality or spirituality, “but Rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face” (17b, NLT). Leah was comparatively plain (17a). There is no doubt to anyone, certainly Laban, that Rachel was the one he desired. Moses highlights this by speaking of Jacob’s “love” for Rachel three times over the next several verses (18-30). 

But, Laban lies to Jacob. He exacts seven years of work from Jacob for the promise of Rachel, then promptly sends Leah into his tent on their wedding night. Jacob unwittingly sleeps with her in the dark. The next morning, he is enraged at being tricked and expresses as much to Laban (25). Laban’s excuse is that their local custom was to marry the eldest daughter before marrying a younger daughter. He gives Rachel to him that week, but requires him to work seven more years for her (28-30). You wonder how many times Jacob considered the irony of being treated the way he treated his brother Esau.

It is interesting to see God’s tender feelings for the spurned Leah. Verse 31 says, “When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, he enabled her to have children, but Rachel could not conceive” (NLT). Leah gives him four sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. Each name symbolized her triumph is the spousal war with her sister. Reuben means “see, a son,” Simeon means “unloved” or “hated,” Levi means “attached,” and Judah means “praise the Lord.” Interestingly, the Savior of the world would come through the lesser loved Leah than the physically more beautiful Rachel. 

So many departures from God’s will marked this entire interaction. The polygamy, the deception, the selfish desire, and more. Yet, God’s overarching providence was at work accomplish His will. Jacob is being refined and tested, and we will see the growth and progress. But, we leave him in this chapter working through a domestic boondoggle! 

Second Chances

Second Chances

Travis Harrison

It’s a new year. For many it’s an opportunity at a new beginning – a fresh start, a second chance. I want to begin tonight with a lighthearted story about how a couple of second chances helped me.

When I was about 5 or 6 my older brother unintentionally tried to kill me, at least twice. The first time, we were outside playing, and we found these large bushes, pokeweed. These plants and the berries are poisonous, but we didn’t know that. I read that if you cook the leaves and berries properly, you can eat them. However, what you shouldn’t do, especially as a small child, is convince your younger brother to eat a handful of these berries. I googled for curiosity’s sake how many berries were dangerous, and it said that as few as 10 would make the average adult sick with all kinds of symptoms or some reports even said death. We went to the house and my mother knew exactly what I had done, the evidence was smeared all over my hands and my face. She called poison control, and they told her to give me this syrup that would make me sick to my stomach and I’d throw up the berries. Sure enough about 45 mins later – no more berries.

The second time was a little more serious. We had this storage building out back, it had a small lean-to shed on the back side. One of the sides was perfect for climbing on. Since we were expert climbers my brother had the idea – let’s get up on that roof so we can see everything better. We shimmied our way up the side and made it up onto the roof. If that had been the end of the story that would’ve been great…but wait, there’s more. My brother noticed something coming from the side of the building. He was referring to the electrical service, and the power lines that were coming off the pole and into the side of the storage building. “I wonder what happens if you touch those?” Listen guys I’m smart it just hadn’t kicked in yet. So yeah, I walked over and grabbed them and believe me when I say they grabbed me right back. I’ve told this story 100 times and everyone seems shocked and surprised, but I can assure you, not nearly as much I was!!

Second chances are given to us all the time and come in a variety of ways. They happen in our everyday lives, our careers, our marriages, relationships with our families our friends, and our relationship with God. God gives us second chances because he loves us, and he knows us and knows we need them.

God is a God of second chances. Throughout the Bible we study about people who have sinned or made mistakes, altered their courses in life but are still given a second chance by God.

1.     For example, Jonah had fled from what God had commanded him to do yet was given a second opportunity to go to Nineveh and spread His word to the people. (Jonah 3:1-10).

2.     David was a man after God’s own heart, yet he turned away from Him when he committed adultery with Bathsheba, had Uriah killed, then his son died because of the evil he had done (II Samuel 11 and 12) but still God loved him, and he was a great king. 

3.     Rahab was a prostitute. She didn’t live a wholesome life, but she changed the course of her life when she did something for good. She hid the spies in Jericho. When the city was destroyed, she was rewarded. Only she and her family were saved. (Joshua 6:22-23)

4.     Paul once was a persecutor of Christians (Acts 8:1-3). He was converted into a Christian and baptized (Acts 9:18). He became one of the most influential missionaries, authors, and apostles of the first century. 

5.     Onesimus was once deemed useless. After being given a second chance Paul describes him as beloved servant, and brother to him. He was willing to do anything for him, even pay his debts. (Philemon 11-17)

The list could go on and on. The point is that God’s love, his mercy, and by His grace through faith, we can all be saved (Eph. 2: 4-8). God forgives our sins and gives us a fresh start. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9) Every day we wake up is another chance to make changes. God’s steadfast love never ceases, his mercies never come to end, they are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)  

As important as it is that we don’t forget about God giving us second chances, Let’s not forget we are to extend second chances to others. We all have family, friends, coworkers, even sometimes church family that we don’t always see eye to eye with. We don’t need to settle for division, we need to strive for unity. (1 Peter 3:8) As Jesus taught, we are to forgive others as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15). We are also encouraged to show kindness, love, and grace to others – just as God has shown us (Ephesians 4:32).

God’s second chances are such a blessing to us. We need them, he knows that we do. He’s not a mean God, “He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities” (Psalms 103:10). He doesn’t want us to fail, but second chances aren’t meant to be free passes for us to keep returning to sin. (Romans 6:23) “ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  He sent his son to die for us so that we could have as many chances as we need to make things right and grow closer to him before its too late.    

Each new morning the sun rises, God is giving us a second chance. A chance to improve our lives, mend broken relationships, work on those New Year’s resolutions – that I hope we haven’t already broken. This year let’s not squander our second chances, but instead savor them. Let’s make the most of those opportunities to do good, to do things that glorify God, and that will help us walk closer to him.  If 2023 just wasn’t the year for whatever reasons, then begin this year on the right foot. Let 2024 be your second chance. 

Now That’s REALLY Staying Together!

Now That’s REALLY Staying Together!

Neal Pollard

You may had heard once about the couple archaeologists dug up in an excavation in Rome, Italy. They found the bones of a couple who would have possibly lived before Noah, but how they found them was most unique. The skeletons were found in embrace, suggesting especially to the sentimental the profoundest expression of love and togetherness possible (source here).

Who knows what it truly means, who they were, and if they were even husband and wife? Yet, I would like to think that they were a couple so close and whose lives were so intertwined that their repose in death was symbolic of how they were to each other throughout life. We certainly need good role models, wherever we can “dig them up.”

Society does not do so much to encourage married people staying together. In fact, infidelity and fornication are idolized character traits. Those who stick together through thick and thin are portrayed as foolish or at least boring. Yet, God laid out a blueprint for the whole that includes a bond much stronger than an embrace for couples staying together (cf. Gen. 2:18-24; Mat. 19:3-9; 1 Pet. 3:1-7; etc.). The Lord’s church needs men and women who are committed to staying together, to building healthy, happy and close marriages. Societies, to long endure, need such values embraced and encouraged. You, if you are married, need to rededicate yourself to your spouse each day, finding ways to stick close and reasons to stay together.

Raise ‘Em Right

Raise ‘Em Right

Tuesday’s Column: Dale Mail

Dale Pollard

There are plenty of great examples of godly parenting in the Bible, but there are just as many (if not more) examples of poor parenting. Tompkinsville, where I preach, is blessed to have several parents who are taking Proverbs 22.6 seriously and that’s something we shouldn’t take for granted. Perhaps no other Christian responsibility has the potential to build His kingdom and make the kind of impact like our responsibility to train and teach the next generation to love Jesus. 

“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” 

Psalm 119.9

There’s an unlimited amount of opinions and advice out there on the subject of parenting, but there’s something more meaningful about receiving it from faithful parents who have been successful. 

Here Are 3 Pieces of Advice From Godly Parents 

1. Children Need To Know That Marriage Isn’t Your Number One Goal In Life 

“Our goal in life is to praise the God of glory. Too many young people become so enamored with the thought of getting married that they neglect to devote themselves to the service of God. They miss out on the joys of mission work and service because they are too concerned with finding their next date. Focus on God and (to utilize Jesus’ words) “all these things will be added to you,” because you will be surrounded by the kind of people who are worth marrying.” 

2. Our Commitment To Christ Isn’t A Part Time Job

“An excuse is a skin of a reason stuffed with a lie. While under the Old Law Moses allowed a year off from marriage (Deut. 24.5) Jesus made it clear that all Christian parents can’t make Him their part time Lord (Lk. 9.57-62). Replace any excuse with an exertion of effort to glorify God, because excuses ring hollow in the ears of the divine.” 

3. Model The Kind Of Person You Want Your Children To Be

“Being a parent should make you think about your every move. Your immature inclinations should take a backseat when the what you model before your children can have eternal ramifications. Just be godly. 

Stand up for God. 

Talk about God. 

Have the courage you’d like your children to have. 

Show them how it’s done.”

A sincere thanks to, 

– Brett Petrillo 
– Hiram Kemp &
– Ben Shafer 

For their continual example of faithfulness, work in His kingdom, and their helpful insights on godly parenting. 

Some Truths Marriage Has Taught Me

Some Truths Marriage Has Taught Me

Monday’s Column: Neal At The Cross

Neal Pollard

Yesterday marked thirty years of marriage to a woman I met when she was still technically a “girl” almost 32 years ago. God has blessed her with extraordinary beauty and youthfulness, but He has blessed me by her in ways far deeper than that. She constantly encourages my spiritual growth, helps me read my spiritual compass, and drives me to be closer to God and do His will better. This is not only a daily benefit I enjoy in marriage, but a benefit I typically enjoy throughout each day! Yet, she is also fun-loving, has a great sense of humor, and loves life and people profoundly. I could not have asked for a better mother for my children, and I could not have dreamed for a better companion to travel life’s road with.

Paul indicates that God created the marriage relationship to illustrate the relationship Christ would have with the church (Eph. 5:22-33). That’s profound! The Author of the most intimate relationship on earth wants us to learn and grow through this transformation connection we call marriage. He teaches us vital truths throughout His Word that we grasp and understand to our great benefit. Consider a few of them.

  • “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband” (Prov. 12:4a).
  • “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” (Prov. 18:22).
  • “House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord” (Prov. 19:14).
  • “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life” (Prov. 31:10-12).
  • ““You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride; You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes, with a single strand of your necklace. How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than all kinds of spices” (Song 4:9-10).
  • “So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself” (Eph. 5:28). 
  • “Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them” (Col. 3:19). 
  • “You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered” (1 Pet. 3:7). 

I am impressed with how much God honors and upholds marriage. He invented and instituted it (Gen. 2:18-25). It was His sweetest gift to humanity, second only to the sacrifice of His Son for our sins! He has given us an instruction manual to help us navigate the many ups and downs that are a part of it. It can bring us some of life’s most difficult and excruciating moments. But undoubtedly, it will give us some of the sweetest, most memorable, and sustaining moments, too. 

So much happens in three decades of life, especially in the marriage context. While it seems like just a moment ago that we stood before my dad in Manchester, Georgia, that Friday afternoon, seeing three grown, married children and some inevitable physical changes in the mirror tells me more time has passed than it seems. In the treasure chest of my heart, there are so many memories and events over the span of those years. Invariably, right there in my mental picture of them all is the sweet, pretty face of that blonde, witty, and intense beauty who grounds me, balances me, and pushes me to be my best me. 

It scares me to think about where I would be without her. It humbles me to think she chose to spend her life with me. It blesses me to think that, as the Lord wills, I get to do life with her today and for as many days as He gives us together. Thank God for the blessing of marriage! May I bless my Kathy as she has blessed me! 

1 Peter–Part VII

1 Peter–Part VII

Wednesday’s Column: Third’s Words

Gary Pollard

For the next several weeks, I’ll be repeating the book of I Peter in present-day terminology. It’s not a true translation of the book, as I am not qualified to do so. It will be based on an exegetical study of the book and will lean heavily on the SBL and UBS Greek New Testaments, as well as comparisons with other translations (ESV, NASB, NIV, ERV, NLT). My goal is to reflect the text accurately, and to highlight the intent of the author using concepts and vocabulary in common use today. 

This is not an essentially literal translation, and should be read as something of a commentary. 

I Peter – Part VII

While we’re on this topic, wives must listen to their own husbands. If your husband doesn’t believe, maybe you’ll win him over with just your good example! You wouldn’t even have to say anything. Pure and respectful behavior speaks volumes. Don’t obsess over your physical appearance or fashion. Show off who you are inside! A gentle, easy-going demeanor is timeless; it’s also extremely valuable to God. Remember the women lived a long time ago? They were considered special because God was their hope, just like he’s your hope. They also expressed their beauty by deferring to their husbands. Sarah did that for Abraham – she considered him to be her leader. You are just like her when you do the right thing without being afraid of anything. 

Husbands, you’re not off the hook. You share a living space with your wife, so you have to be a student of her needs and wants. Don’t treat her like one of the guys. Remember the differences between men and women. Don’t be rough with her. Make sure you show her how valuable she is! She has just as much a claim to God’s promise as you do. If you aren’t good to her, God will block your prayers. 

Finally, you all need to work together. Show sympathy to each other. Be kind to each other. Don’t think too highly of yourselves. Don’t insult people who insult you. Don’t get even with people who hurt you. Do something good for them instead! That’s actually why God called us, and he wants to do good for us, too. You’ve read, “Anyone who wants to live a good life should watch their mouth. They should avoid evil and do good things. They should look for peace and chase it. God watches out for good people and listens to their prayers, but he’s against people who practice evil.” 

Who’s going to hurt you if you’re obsessed with being good to people? Even if someone hurts you because of your faith, you’re ok! Don’t be afraid of their threats, don’t let it shake you up. Put Jesus in the center of your heart at all times. Have a logical answer ready whenever you’re interrogated for your faith. Tell them about your hope, but make sure you’re gentle and respectful. Make sure your moral lives are good so they can’t legitimately attack your character. If you’re doing the right thing, they’ll answer for how they treat you. It’s better to be attacked for doing the right thing than for doing the wrong thing. 

By 3rd century monk – Link
Defining Submission

Defining Submission

Thursday’s Column: Captain’s Blog

Carl Pollard

What is submission? There are many who hear this word and think of weakness. They believe that if you are submissive, you’re at the bottom of the food chain. Is this really the case? 

The Bible uses this word in several different passages, and we will take a look at these verses in depth and figure out the true definition of submission.  

The original word comes from the Greek, hypotasso, which can be used several different ways depending on the context in which it is used. The first definition is “to cause to be in a submissive relationship” and the second is “to become subject, subject oneself” (BDAG). With these definitions in mind, let’s notice how scripture uses this word. 

James 4:7: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Who must submit? Everyone. Who are we submitting to? God. What is the outcome? The Devil will flee. In this text, submission is the act of putting God in charge of our lives. In doing so we no longer chase after sin and Satan will flee from us. 

Col. 3:18: “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Who must submit? Wives. Who are they submitting to? The husband. For what reason? God has commanded. In this text, submission is what the wife must do in her marriage in order to be approved of God.  A submissive wife is fitting in the Lord. 

Eph. 5:21: “Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Who must submit? The Christian. Who are we submitting to? Other Christians. Why are we submitting? Out of reverence (deep respect and awe) for Christ. If we say that we revere Christ, we must submit to each other and place our brothers and sisters above self. 

Eph. 5:24: “Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” Who is submitting? The church, as well as the wives in the same way we (as a church body) submit to Christ. A submissive church looks to Christ for every spiritual decision. They do this because they are no longer in control. A wife submits to her husband by looking at the example of the church or “the bride of Christ.” 

Titus 2:5, 9; 3:1: “to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Bondservants are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative. Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work.” Who is submitting? Wives, bondservants, and those who have experienced Christ (2:14). Who are they submitting to? Husbands, masters, rulers and authorities. Why are they submitting? So the Word of God won’t be criticized or abused, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God (10), and because we aren’t who we used to be (3). 

1 Peter 2:18; 3:22; 5:5: “Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.” Servants are called to submit to their masters. Why? “For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly” (19). In chapter 3:1, wives are to submit to their husbands so that they may win their husband by their actions. In 3:22 the angels, authorities, and powers have been placed under Christ. In 5:5, the young are to submit to the elders. 

Romans 13:1: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Who is supposed to submit here? Every person. To whom? The governing authorities. Why? Only God can give authority, those that are in place have been instituted by God. If we refuse to submit (break their laws), “Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

Submission is the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. In scripture several groups are commanded to have this attitude:

  • Christians 
  • Wives
  • Servants 
  • Every person 

Submission is not weakness. It takes strength to make this choice. We aren’t forced into submission, but it is a choice each one of us must make. 

Have you made that choice? If you have, understand that there will be times where you fail. Thankfully God is willing to forgive those who have sinned. 

Submission means we give up what we want, and act the way God wants us to act. 

An Unsung Love Story

An Unsung Love Story

Thursday’s Column: Captain’s Blog

(Today, I’m pinch-hitting for Carl, who’s on his honeymoon this week. This is the wedding sermon portion of the ceremony performed last Friday in Summerville, GA. It was a beautiful wedding venue and occasion).

Neal Pollard


A. One Of The Most Unsung Love Stories In The Bible Is Isaac & Rebekah

B. Their Romance & Relationship Is Revealed In Gen 24

    1. What impresses me most re: them is how they did so much right

        a. Rebekah is a very beautiful & pure young woman (16)

        b. She was a hard worker (16-20) & she had a wonderful attitude (58)

        c. She had a good relationship w/her family & his

   2. Isaac had a good head on his shoulders, he was a man of faith & family


       a. & it apparently was love at first sight for Isaac (24:67)

       b. He was successful in his life's work (26:12-14)

       c. He was a patient & peace-loving man (26:20)

   3. In a day when God permitted a man to have more than one wife, & 

       his father Abraham did & his sons Jacob & Esau did

       a. Isaac was a one-woman-man

   4. It was a beautiful lifelong love story

       a. It was a story of devotion & affection

D. Their Story Is Not Unlike Yours

    1. I think Emily has the attributes of Rebekah we just saw

    2. Carl is a lot like Isaac in the ways we observed

    3. & your devotion & affection is so much like theirs, too

E. & To All Of Us Who Have Come To Witness This Joyful Occasion,

    There Are Other Parallels For Us To Consider:

   1. Many had invested so much into the moment the young couple met

      a. In Gen. 24, there was Abraham, his servant, & Rebekah's family

      b. They had invested their prayers, possessions & plans for these 2

   2. God was at the heart of both families' lives

       a. "God" is found 7 Xs in Gen 24, "LORD" is found 16 Xs

          1. Both families invoke His name a similar number of Xs

          2. Their faith was strong, & they conveyed that deep faith to I & R

              a. The moments before Isaac met Rebekah, he was worshipping (24:62)

              b. She was willing to leave her home to go to Isaac's home out of her trust in
God's providence & guidance in her life

          3. Their families encouraged them to serve & obey the Lord

              a. Abraham wanted his son to have a wife God would be pleased with

              b. Rebekah's brother & parents saw God's will in this & encouraged her to marry

F. For A Few Minutes, I Want To Share With You Both Some Of The Blessings & Promises Shared
With Isaac & Rebekah


A. When Isaac Met Rebekah, He Was Standing At Beer-Lahai-Roi

    1. It was the well at the place Hagar called "El-Roi," "A God who sees" (16:14)

    2. In 25:11, we read that the newly weds lived in this place

B. May I Encourage You To Remember That Today & Every Day For the Rest Of Your Lives, You
Will Be Living Before The God Who Sees

    1. Let that bring you comfort & hope, to encourage you

    2. He will see your ups & downs; Your victories & defeats

    3. There will be times when His presence & help are undoubtable

        a. Other times, you may be tempted to wonder

C. He Will Walk With You Both Throughout Your Lives

    1. Give Him 1st place, the most honored & cherished seat at the table of your marriage

    2. Pr 15:3--The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil & the good

        a. It's not just a warning vs. sin; It's a promise as you do good


A. There Came A Time Of Stress & Adversity In Their Marriage

   1. You're aware that you'll face moments like those, too

B. It's Beautiful To See How Isaac Responds To This

   1. 25:21--Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife

   2. Of all the good Isaac did in his life, nothing was better than this

C. There Will Be Moments When Your Problems May Threaten To Cause A Wedge Between You Two

   1. The best thing you will ever do in these Xs is to pray for each other, motivated by
your love & care for each other

   2. You will always need God's help; Let nothing keep you from praying to Him together

   3. & let nothing keep you from faithfully praying to God for each other

   4. 1 Pt 3:7--You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way,
as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of
the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered

     a. When Peter says "your prayers," it's plural (God's encouraging both of you to pray
for each other)

   5. When you do, God will hear as He heard Isaac's prayer for Rebekah


A. I've Heard Sermons And Bible Classes Re: The Danger Of Showing Favoritism With Your
Children & This Couple Is Used As Exhibit A

   1. But after the deception of Jacob & Esau's anger & grudge, Rebekah comes to Isaac &
freely shares her concerns w/Isaac (27:48)

       a. Isaac listens & the 2 of them work together to resolve the problem

B. Don't Wait For Problems To Arise Before You Start Communicating

   1. But certainly, when problems arise, be sure that you communicate freely, lovingly, &

   2. Companionship is re: needing each other & leaning on each other

C. Carl, Nourish & Cherish Emily; Love Her As X Loved The Church (Ep  5:25-28)

   1. Emily, love your husband so as to honor God's word (Ti 2:4-5)

   2. & realize the vital role communication plays in conveying your love


A. Their Marriage Came At The Time Isaac Lost His Mother

   1. But the Bible tells us re: how they shared love & comfort w/one another (Gen 24:67)

   2. God has given you such a blessing in your marriage 

B. Never Miss An Opportunity To Express It To Each Other

   1. Like Solomon said

      a. Song 4:10--How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your
love than wine,

     b. Or Song 7:6--How beautiful and how delightful you are, My love, with all your charms!

   2. & like his bride said to him

      a. Song 1:16--How handsome you are, my beloved, And so pleasant!

      b. Song 2:3--Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among
the young men. In his
shade I took great delight and sat down, And his fruit was
sweet to my taste.

C. Of Course, Do More Than Say It; Show It--Never Miss An Opportunity

   1. It will keep you on the sunny side of life on the stormiest days
Listening to the best man speech right before their exit.