The New Birth

The New Birth

Neal Pollard

“The signs” are a thread that run throughout the gospel of John. It is the signs observed by Nicodemus that brings this Pharisee to Jesus by night to speak with Him. He is a member of the Sanhedrin (7:50; 19:39), which is what John highlights by calling him a “ruler of the Jews” (cf. 7:48). The Sanhedrin, from the Greek word meaning “seated together,” was “a council in Jerusalem that functioned as the central judicial authority for Jews” (Myers, Eerdmans, 912). Yet, while that group will notoriously and constantly oppose Jesus and plot His death, Nicodemus approaches Jesus as a believer. He says, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him” (2). Who is the “we”? We are not told, but we do know that faith in Jesus is already beginning to spread. 

Jesus, however, controls the direction of the conversation. He responds by teaching Nicodemus about the necessity of one being born again (3ff). This intrigues and mystifies that respected teacher. In this starlit classroom, Jesus lays the groundwork for a truth which future students like you and I also need to grasp. 

The new birth is essential (3-5). Jesus says one must be born again. One must be born of water and the Spirit. Without this new birth, one cannot see or enter the kingdom of God. Paul is going to call this the “washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). 

The new birth is spiritual (6-8). Nicodemus is trying to understand Jesus’ teaching from a physical perspective, wondering if He meant literal rebirth–which he knew was impossible. Jesus contrasts that fleshly idea with being born of the Spirit. He likens this rebirth to the wind, something real but not something observable. We can see someone being baptized, but the cleansing of the soul and becoming a child of God is something actual which God sees but which we accept by faith. 

The new birth is understandable (9-15). Now, Nicodemus is struggling to make sense of it, but Jesus says that is because he is thinking in earthly rather than heavenly terms. Those signs Nicodemus marveled at were designed to verify the truths He was teaching. All of it was meant to create faith in open hearts. To aid his understanding, Jesus asserts that He had come down from heaven to be “lifted up” (14). He refers this Old Testament scholar to an event during the wilderness wandering, when the brazen serpent was put on a pole to save the sinful Israelites who had complained and been bitten by serpents (Num. 21:9). Those who trusted in this remedy God provided to save their lives and looked on the pole did not die. Those who did not believe and look died. Jesus ties God’s grace and man’s obedient faith together to teach the new birth.

The new birth is providential (16-21). Simply put, God provided the new birth as part of His eternal plan. Jesus came to earth to teach that plan, but also to enact that plan. He was like the brazen serpent. He would have to be lifted up (14). He would have to be “given” (16). It was because men would not believe this that they would act in violence to kill Him, ironically facilitating God’s eternal plan of redemption (18-20). Jesus was going to expose the evil of men’s deeds, and they would hate Him for it. But Jesus, referring to Himself as Light (five times from verse 19 to 21), was illuminating the path of righteousness for those who believe (21). 

I wonder what went through Nicodemus’ mind when he left Jesus that night. How many times did he review this lesson in his mind, pondering the weighty truths Jesus shared with him? What about when he tactfully defended Jesus when the Sanhedrin doubtfully disputed about Him (7:50-52)? What about when he helped fellow-Council member Joseph prepare Jesus’ body for burial after His crucifixion (19:38-39)? However that went, Nicodemus was taught one of the most important, yet basic, truths of all. He was faced with embracing it, and so are we. A place in God’s kingdom, eternal life, salvation, and coming to the Light are all blessings of being born again! It is an awesome thought that Jesus not only invites us to that, but gave His life to make it a reality. 

Should You Choose “The Chosen”?

Should You Choose “The Chosen”?

Brent Pollard

Neal’s Note: While I personally enjoy this series and don’t think there is anything wrong with watching it, I appreciate Brent’s caution to not let religious entertainment replace our responsibility to get our theology from careful Bible study (2 Tim. 2:15).

Paul immediately addresses Timothy, his young son in the faith, with a warning about the Judaizers (1 Timothy 1.3–7). If you look closely at verse seven, you’ll notice that Paul says those who want to teach the Law have no idea what they’re saying. These Judaizers may wish to appear knowledgeable, but their ignorance renders them unqualified to instruct. 1 Timothy 1.7 cautions against false teaching and highlights the importance of sound doctrine.

While we quickly see this about a group like the Judaizers, is it not also true of those who would unintentionally do the same? It is safe to say that many people have good intentions but fail to grasp the actual harm they cause by teaching something false. Take Apollos as an excellent example of this. Apollos believed that the baptism of John was still valid and preached as much. Fortunately, Priscila and Aquila were there to correct him privately (Acts 18.24–28).

But the damage Apollos inadvertently caused had already been done. In Acts 19.1–7, Paul encountered twelve men who had obeyed the teaching of Apollos. Paul corrected their misconception and assisted them in rendering obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Imagine the fate of those twelve men had Paul not run into them in Ephesus! Given that we know Apollos’ heart, this was not his intention. However, confidently teaching things from ignorance has repercussions.

I imagine I am about to step into some hot water, but it is necessary to do so as I hear more and more of my brethren extolling the virtues of Dallas Jenkins’ The Chosen. The series itself begins with a disclaimer that many will likely ignore. The Chosen’s producers tell us, “Backstories and some characters or dialogue have been added.” They then add, “However, all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures.” (“I Have Called You by Name”) 

Without even delving into the show itself, one should be alarmed that they freely admit that they have made additions to the Gospel story. In God’s Word, we are warned several times against adding to or taking from the Word of God (Deuteronomy 4.2; 12.32; Proverbs 30.6; Revelation 22.8). We should also be wary of what follows when Angel Studios says they derive this from an artist’s “imagination.” In his original dictionary, Noah Webster notes that imagination is a “conceit; an unsolid or fanciful opinion.” (“Webster’s Dictionary 1828 – Imagination”) So why do we want such a production about the Son of God?

As soon as the first episode begins, we learn that the pharisee Nicodemus is an exorcist, Peter and Andrew are having tax issues, and Matthew has some intriguing quirks, which later episodes explain are due to his Aspergers! That is a lot to unpack in a show that purports to help me better appreciate the life and mission of Jesus and His followers. Nevertheless, the response is nearly unanimous about why the show appeals to most of those I have spoken with. Viewers love the portrayal of Jesus in His humanity—a compassionate man with a good sense of humor.

I appreciate that. I admit that the actor portraying Jesus does a wonderful job. I, too, love the idea of my Lord smiling and palling around with His disciples. But I need help to sit through something otherwise potentially misleading to appreciate what Jonathan Roumie brings to his portrayal of my Lord. There is too much for me to ignore willingly.

The objector says this could be an excellent way to introduce the lost to Jesus. Though I appreciate any tool that can help evangelize others, this is something on which you have to spend a lot of time explaining how it differs from the Gospels. It ends up accomplishing what other pop-culture phenoms and Christian-based fiction have produced. How many eschatological views do people hold that are more “Timothy LaHaye” than biblical? How many visuals of the war in heaven do people erroneously subscribe to, thanks to John Milton’s Paradise Lost?

As Christians, we have liberty. So, I don’t want to hinder anyone from watching something entertaining that is undoubtedly more wholesome than any secular programming one might watch. As portrayals of Jesus go, this is not blasphemous like The Last Temptation of Christ or as disorienting as imagining Clueless alum Jeremy Sisto as God’s Son in Jesus (1999). But, please, “caveat oculus”—let the eye be careful. Nobody wants to stand before God’s judgment seat and discover that they are lost because they blindly believed something false confidently taught to them by another.

 1 “I Have Called You by Name.” BYUtv, 18 Apr. 2019,

2 “Websters Dictionary 1828 – Webster’s Dictionary 1828 – Imagination.” Websters Dictionary 1828,