“Solomon Says…”

“Solomon Says…”

Dale Pollard

In each chapter of Ecclesiastes one can expect at least two kinds of verses. While one verse might make you wonder what Solomon is talking about at first, another will hit you in a profound way. It turns out that humans really haven’t changed that much over the years. Our current experiences and lives share many similarities— that fact is elucidated further in the Bible’s Old Testament books of wisdom. 

Here are twelve truths found in Ecclesiastes book. 


Some things never change. 


Pleasing God will bring you more joy than chasing the things that bring momentary pleasure. 


God has given us a desire to know the future. Because of this, we understand that while we don’t know the future we’re better off serving a God who does. 


It’s by design that we can accomplish more with help. God can do more with us when we are team players. 


There’s joy to be found in hard work and that too is by design. Satisfaction is a natural feeling produced by the work of our hands. 


If you don’t find joy in life then life will drag on and feel slower. 


When life is good, enjoy it. When life is hard— remember that it’s like that for everybody. Ups and downs are part of living. 


This world is not just but don’t let that fool you into thinking that God isn’t just. We can’t understand how God’s mind operates in every circumstance. 


Not everything happens for a reason! God might have a hand in any event, Satan may have something to do with it— or maybe it’s all a coincidence.


Every job has its dangers but wisdom can make a job run smoother just as a sharp knife can make a task easier. 


It’s good to be alive! It’s nice to see the light from the sun. You should enjoy the life you live with eternity on your mind. 


You can put your trust in any wisdom and teaching that comes from God. 

Each chapter of Ecclesiastes is filled with wisdom and life changing words. What Solomon says is not only wise, but the Spirit led and guided each word. That alone is reason enough to immerse ourselves in the greatest book ever written. 

2 thoughts on ““Solomon Says…”

  1. Hello Dale, My name is Ray Wallace. I peached at the Dahlia St. Church of Christ near downtown Denver for 29 years, including some of the years your dad was at Bear Valley. I really grew to love and appreciate him in many ways. I’m now 75, and still preaching full time in the small town of Bayfield, CO – the Pine Valley Church of Christ.

    I’m working on a Wednesday night series on Applying Practical Christianity, and I would like to use your article “Solomon Says” as part of that series, with proper attribution, of course.

    With your permission, may I use this article?

    -Ray Wallace 

    ==================== “Persecution for opinion is the master vice of society.”

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