Building With Your Brain

Building With Your Brain

What Your Brain Can Do

Dale Pollard

TBI – 75% of those with traumatic brain injury reported feeling like a different person

The mind of man (and woman) is the most complicated organ that God ever created.

  1. The brain can transform you (Rom. 12.2) 
  2. The brain can be set like a clock (Col. 3.2) 
  3. The brain can think in similar ways to God (Phil. 2.5)
  4. The brain can be fortified (Prov. 4.23)
  5. The brain can be controlled (2 Cor. 10.5) 

How Powerful Is The Brain?q

100 billion nerve cells and many more contact points between them provide our brain with capabilities that no supercomputer can match to this day. One of its most important characteristics is its ability to learn. Equally impressive, is the brains ability to create and dictate the direction of our lives through imagination. 

Let’s take a look at the rest of the natural world and find out what creatures come in second to our human intellect. 

Several life forms have brains that share some similarities with the human brain— 

  1. chimpanzees, 
  2. bonobos, 
  3. dolphins, 
  4. and elephants 

all have brains that show similarities in terms of complexity, structure, and certain cognitive abilities. Compared to the human mind, these animals don’t even come close.

You give what you focus on

When God said that we are created in His image, He meant (in context) that He’s endowed us with the unique ability to create. The man was to create a life for himself through conquest and dominion (Gen. 1.26-28). The woman was to create life itself (Jn. 16.21). Clearly God blessed humans in a special way not given to other animals. 

Create A Better Life Through Imagination 

Here’s what one doctor had to say about the our power to create a life through visualization. 

“Visualizing yourself to become the person that you want to be, is a powerful tool to stay focused. When you focus on something, you actually give your mind a command (whether you are aware of it or not). So your mind is looking forways to extract that command that you gave it. Why? Because your brain doesn’t know the difference, it will drive you to focus on creating it to happen. So understand that every time you tell yourself that things will go wrong, it’s actually going to happen. Your mind will look for the things that you tend to look for. If you think negatively, your mind will look for negative.”


It’s important to understand that the same effect that your mind has on a negative thought, will be as powerful as on a positive thought. 

Try Thinking About This Instead 

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Phil. 4.8