Numbers: Preparing A People To Conquer (V)

Numbers: Preparing A People To Conquer (V)

Clean Within And Without (5:1-31)

Neal Pollard

There is a distinct shift in God’s focus after the census information of the first four chapters. We read of three circumstances in this chapter, all of which have something to do with purity. The first is leprosy (1-5), the second is restitution for doing wrong (6-10), and the third is marital infidelity by the woman (11-31). All three cases are introduced with the phrase, “The Lord spoke to Moses….” God is giving the nation the needed guidance for handling issues that would undoubtedly arise with frequency.

Leprosy was a contagious skin condition that could spread a deadly disease throughout the nation, threatening their well-being and potential existence. It was to be practiced with impartiality (3). The Holy Spirit through motion captures the completely obedient spirit of the nation on this matter (4). 

Wrongdoing broke faith with the Lord (6). When the person “realized his guilt, he shall confess his sin that he has committed. And he shall make full restitution for his wrong, adding a fifth to it and giving it to him to whom he did the wrong” (6-7). To keep the social fabric strong within the nation, God enacted a way to mend fences between parties where one was offended by the sin of his brother. By adding 20 percent in restitution for whatever was taken or whatever was done, it showed sincerity. It also reminded the offender the cost of sin. Most of all, it reminded the offender of how the offense was ultimately against God. He broke faith with God. If he had no near kinsman, he was to offer the atonement sacrifice to the priest. Whomever we hurt by our sin, ultimately all sin is against God (Psa. 51:4).

The lengthiest section deals with a woman committing adultery against her husband (11-31). This provision was to preserve the most basic unit of the nation–marriage! Fidelity and faithfulness is essential to the health and survival of any nation. It is so important to God that He gives what many would see as an extreme remedy when unfaithfulness is suspected.  It involved a trial of the woman before a priest (15). Notice the chart:

(Dennis Cole, NAC, 114-115).

This law was to create domestic harmony. It would reduce irrational jealousy but also provide a deterrent against finding sexual fulfillment outside the marriage. These were protections for the home provided by the creator of the home.

It is interesting that while we see the community of Israel more consistently obeying the first ritual (against leprosy), they would become more lax in atoning for wrongdoing or remaining free of adultery. Was it the visibly graphic effects of a physical disease that made prevention more important than sins that grew from the heart and that people tried to keep concealed from others? That may not be clear to us, but God is providing a way to preserve and prolong the life of the nation. 

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