2 Corinthians: Christianity Is Personal (VII)

2 Corinthians: Christianity Is Personal (VII)

Rewards Of Faithful Service (4:16-5:10)

Neal Pollard

After discussing the kind of servants who are useful to God, Paul shifts to what God does for those who faithfully serve Him. We could make the case that God is to be served simply because He is God, but as the Bible reveals the nature of God it shows Him to be a good, giving, and gracious God. As you cannot out-give God, neither can your service exceed His compensation. Paul shifts to what faithfulness to God brings into our life. 


It can be discouraging to try and serve the Lord even as time and age begin to ravage our bodies. We face the inevitable ravages of the calendar, but Paul shares good news. We look past the decay and affliction to the eternal glory that awaits us. Our inward man can get stronger and better the longer we faithfully serve God. Yet, we long for the time when we have a new body and a new dwelling place with God. God promises that mortality will be swallowed up by life (4). Paul has described this amazing transformation in the first letter (cf. 1 Cor. 15). This reward should spur us on to keep serving until we fold our tent (1). 


God doesn’t just point us to future reward; He gives us present hope. Twice, Paul says we are of good courage (6,8). Why? First, God has given us the Spirit as a pledge (5). Second, God has given us His Word which causes us to walk by faith and not by sight (7). Third, God has promised us a home with Him (8). That hope gives me courage, no matter what I may have to face between now and then. He equips me with everything I need to spiritually survive. 


We want to please Him because we know what is ahead. Going before the judgment seat of Christ would frankly be horrifying if not for God’s promise through Christ. Standing before Him and giving an account for my deeds in the body, I can have confidence because I faithfully served Him. Jesus took the fear out of the judgment, and Paul is about to explain why in the next paragraph. 

How often do we get tired and discouraged, trying to live the Christian life in a world disinterested in that? What will keep us moving, doing His will? Focus on the reward, the hope, and the judgment. In Christ, the best is definitely yet to come. 

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