Seeing Christ In The Family

Seeing Christ In The Family

Carl Pollard

Today’s families are falling apart. The home is divided, and God has been moved to the back burner. That is why now more than ever we should be able to see a difference in the Christian home, and the home that Christ is not in. 

If we can’t see a difference, how will the world ever change? If we can’t see a difference in our homes and the world, chances are we aren’t glorifying God. The family that Christ is in will have unique attributes that are difficult to come by in our society. The Family that glorifies God: 

Admits their sins

The ability to be open and honest about sins and failures results in accountability and change. Paul says in Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” God has given us Christ as payment and He covers our sins, but we should be open and honest in order to find growth. Parents won’t be perfect and neither will children. Admitting sin to each other helps us to grow and change as a family.

The family that Christ is in: 

Is Gracious To Each Other

Once again this is a trait that is rarely seen in a worldly family. As a people who have found forgiveness through Christ, we must be gracious towards each other. The Bible teaches us that by the grace of God we can be forgiven and set free from the control and imprisonment to sin. With the freedom to confess sin comes the freedom to repent of it and seek God’s forgiveness. Knowing God’s forgiveness gives us the ability to ask and receive forgiveness from those we have sinned against. In the same way God has forgiven us, we should forgive each other. Sometimes it is those we hold dear and love that hurt us the most. Be forgiving. My brothers and I used to have plastic lightsaber fights, and we’d really get into it. It often ended in screams of pain and anger. Be forgiving to your siblings. Parents, be forgiving of your children. By doing so we will glorify God.

The family that Christ is in is: 

Ever Growing and Improving

Where there is spiritual life there is spiritual growth. No true Christian can remain the same. The Christian home is a place of constant spiritual growth. Every day we should do our best to glorify God even more. 

How can we glorify God in the family? How can we make Christ a part of our home? Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Give yourself to God, be wholly devoted to Him, and watch as you, your spouse, and your children bring glory to the Most High God.

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