The Blessed

The Blessed

Dale Pollard

The Ancient Greek word for “blessed” (makarious) means to be fortunate, happy, and well off. It occurs nearly fifty times in our New Testament and in a wide range of contexts. The most well known location is perhaps the many times it’s used in the Sermon on the Mount beginning in Matthew five. Here we find the poor in spirit who are blessed. The mourners, meek, righteous, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted, and several others that are all described as blessed. There’s another location where we find the word used and the implications of its textual application are exciting.

 In Luke 11:28-29 a seemingly random woman shouts from the crowd, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you!” The timing of this statement might take the modern reader off guard. Jesus had been teaching on demonic possession. Was it the way He spoke of the spiritual realm? What made this woman make such a declaration at that moment? Perhaps it was a combination of what she had heard about Jesus, coupled with the authority He taught with. The Lord’s response is also interesting. He doesn’t disrespect His mother, but He redirects her praise upwards by saying, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 

There’s a progression in the maturity of the blessed Christian when it comes to God’s Word. It begins as a burden. God’s Word guides us to give up and reshape our lives in ways that can be painful. The blessed Christian who continues in the Word then feels a burden of responsibility. Notice, Jesus says that the happiness occurs once one hears and then acts in obedience. Hearing has never been enough, it’s always been the case that doing and living the Words has been the key. Those that hear and don’t act, aren’t happy. Those that act in robotic or ritualistic fashion, aren’t happy. Those that understand and live out what God has said find happiness. Happiness is in the light and the blessed are happy to be recipients of grace and salvation. 

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